5 Results for: (Concept:00450147-a)
61765 最近 儿童 自杀 相继 发生

There has been a spate of suicide cases among children these days . (eng)

62025 虽然 无遗漏 涉及 当前 面临 政策 问题 但是 关键 优先 顺序 明确 并且 演说 之长 最近 少有 证明

While the speech touched upon the immediate political challenges without missing any , the critical order of priorities was undefined and the unusual length of the speech appears to prove such behaviors of bureaucrats . (eng)

100357 位于 城市 中心 Carousel 餐厅 紧邻 DFS 环球 免税 周围 新加坡 著名 购物 区域

Carousel is located in the heart of town , right beside the DFS_Galleria and surrounded by Singapore 's famous shopping haunts . (eng)

100420 紧邻 The Club 酒店 坐落 粉饰 世纪 建筑

Adjacent to it is The_Club , occupying a newly white-washed building that dates back to the 1900s . (eng)

102130 酒家 位于 古香古色 三巴旺 山地 Sembawang Hills 紧邻 汤姆森 Upper Thomson Road 老板 黎德恩 Lai Fak Nian 先生 从业 30 余年 致力 顾客 提供 热腾腾 食物

Located in the quaint locale of Sembawang_Hills along Upper_Thomson_Road , this restaurant serves up heart-warming food prepared by the owner , Mr_Lai_Fak_Nian , who has been cooking for over 30 years . (eng)

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