6 Results for: (Concept:00449332-a)
11067 告诉 危机 四伏 情况 如何

' I have had some very disagreeable associations in my life , ' said she , ' I wish to forget all about them . (eng)

60381 一时间 出现 周边 办公楼 所有者 英资 企业 排斥 这些 女性 现象 遭到 歧视性 想法 批判 结束

At one time the British-affiliated companies that owned the surrounding buildings tried to have the women removed , but had to stop amid criticism of " discriminatory practices " . (eng)

60639 日本 日本 日本海 以及 山区 周边 地带 可能 大雪 其中 降雪量 地区 预测 积雪 六十 八十 厘米

Heavy snowfall is expected along the Sea_of_Japan and in mountainous regions in northern and eastern Japan , with predicted snow cover of 60 to 80_centimeters at the maximum . (eng)

62005 建议 找出 危险 活动 断层 限制 周边 开发 进行 集中 观测

We suggest that we find dangerous active faults , put a hold on development in surrounding areas and conduct detailed surveys . (eng)

100493 其间 热闹 非凡 街头 表演 购物 游戏 摊点 灯笼 农历 新年 人们 喜欢 烟花 周边 地区 充满 浓郁 节日 气氛

Held on the Marina_Bay_Floating_Platform and the Esplanade_Waterfront_Promenade in mid-February , the vicinity comes alive with the throbbing beat of lively street performances , shopping and games stalls , lanterns and fireworks a crowd favourite during Chinese_New_Year . (eng)

103099 环绕 泻湖 滑水 乐园 SKI360 ° 可以 同时 游玩

Called SKI360° , this cable ski park has a lagoon which can accommodate up to eight riders at a time . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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