10 Results for: (Concept:00441321-r)
60007 此外 据说 杜达耶夫 总统 现在 正在 前来 谈判 俄罗斯 议会 代表团 成员 一起 防空洞 避难 平安无事

Also , President_Dudayev was said to be safe , taking refuge in a bomb shelter together with the delegation from the Russian_Federal_Assembly with whom he had been negotiating . (eng)

60103 据说 久保 先驱党 抱有 期待 武村 正义 代表 频繁 接触 虽然 武村 倾向于 合作 据说 先驱 内部 很多 慎重 认为 社会 民主 保守 自由 不同

It is reported that as Kubo had frequent contacts with Masayoshi_Takemura , Representative_of_Sakigake , aiming at their participation , Takemura came to be interested in cooperation with them , but it is also reported that members of Sakigake resist taking risks , because they consider that " social democracy is different from conservative liberalism . " (eng)

60103 据说 久保 先驱党 抱有 期待 武村 正义 代表 频繁 接触 虽然 武村 倾向于 合作 据说 先驱 内部 很多 慎重 认为 社会 民主 保守 自由 不同

It is reported that as Kubo had frequent contacts with Masayoshi_Takemura , Representative_of_Sakigake , aiming at their participation , Takemura came to be interested in cooperation with them , but it is also reported that members of Sakigake resist taking risks , because they consider that " social democracy is different from conservative liberalism . " (eng)

60215 图拜斯 普列瓦诺夫 重新 修改 私营化 政策 表示 反对 意见 据说 政府 内部 普列瓦诺夫 获得 支持

Although Chubais tries to confront Polevanov 's policy of reviewing privatization , the latter is reported to hold more support in the Cabinet . (eng)

60330 前年 年底 人口 八万七千 人口 增长率 第一 据说 突破 十万

At the end of last year , the population stood at 87,000 people , but with the highest population growth rate in the country , it has now surpassed 100,000 . (eng)

60398 据说 家务 工作 签约 来到 香港 雇主派 工场 工作 事例 很多

There are numerous examples of women coming to Hong_Kong with a domestic help contract , only to be asked by their employers to work in other places , such as factories . (eng)

60522 原来 京都 寂光寺 寺庙 名字 据说 本因坊 第一 那里

Originally , the family of Honinbo_I_Sansa lived at a side temple on the grounds of Kyoto_'s_Jakko_Temple . (eng)

60628 据说 指定 亚特兰大 奥运会 重点 强化 项目 男子 四百 跨栏 男子 跳远 男子 四百 接力 项目 力争 进入 获奖 圈内

Japan also wants to make it onto the winner 's podium for the men 's 400_meter hurdles , the long jump and the 400_meter relay , all designated as important events in the Atlanta_Olympics . (eng)

60708 惠美子 说明 计划 据说 总是 如此 轻松

When he revealed his plans to Emiko , he acted in his usual lighthearted manner . (eng)

60787 据说 如何 一边 对方 一边 自己 驾驶 有利 出发 位置 可以 左右 胜负

While greeting the opponent 's boat , one tries to get as advantageous a starting position as possible , which can have a bearing on the race outcome . (eng)

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