4 Results for: (Concept:00412048-v)
60207 According to the Segodnya newspaper dated the 30th , Vice_Prime_Minister_Vladimir_Polevanov emphasized , " We need the shift of governmental economic strategy , as well as stronger national leadership over businesses , " and announced , " We aim to adopt a bill to re-nationalize the firms that have been inappropriately privatized . "
60212 Its initial phase , which was designed to realize the acquisition of stocks by privatized securities , was completed in June 1994 , and the second phase has been launched , in which cash purchase of stocks is being aimed for .
60213 As of November 1994 , 75 percent of small to medium businesses were privatized , and a considerable number of large companies have also been privatized .
60213 As of November 1994 , 75 percent of small to medium businesses were privatized , and a considerable number of large companies have also been privatized .

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