10 Results for: (Concept:00405540-v)
60010 当前 我们 面临 行政 改革 尤其是 放宽 限制 特殊 法人 改革 以及 地方 分权 艰巨 任务

For the time being , there are important issues regarding administrative reform , especially on deregulation , review of government-affiliated corporations , and the decentralization of authority . (eng)

60057 行政 改革 放宽 限制 地方 分权 时代 要求 迫在眉睫

They are in addition required to address the requests of the time such as administrative reform , deregulation , and decentralization of authority . (eng)

60067 加上 地方 分权 引入 选区 比例 代表 并立 新型 选举 制度 政界 势力 版图 可能 发生 变化

By adding the decentralization of authority and a new electoral system , or combination of single-seat constituencies and proportional representation , the political map may change dramatically . (eng)

60089 实施 放宽 限制 特殊 法人 改革 推进 地方 分权 以及 信息 公开 行政 改革

Administrative reforms , including deregulation , review of government-affiliated corporations , promotion of decentralization , and information disclosure will be carried out . (eng)

61162 中央 集权 转向 地方 分权

From centralization to localization . (eng)

61498 加之 现在 地方 分权 争论 逐渐 增多

Additionally , discussions over decentralization are increasing at present . (eng)

61499 预计 政府 预定 下旬 召开 定期 国会 提出 地方 分权 推进 法案

During the regular Diet session scheduled to convene in the end of this month , the government is expected to table the legislative bill to promote decentralization . (eng)

61500 如此 看来 作为 地方 分权 元年 今年 思考 地方 自治 状态 方向性 问题 绝好 机会

Considering the foregoing , on the occasion of the first year of decentralization of power from the central government to local jurisdictions , this year gives us a golden opportunity to consider the existence and direction for local governments . (eng)

61502 地方 分权 摆脱 体系 地区 发挥 各自 个性 主体性 同时 有效 利用 地方 文化 经济 具有 潜力

Decentralization will let each local government break away from the existing system and will take full advantage of the potential of the regional culture and economy while maintaining its identity and independence . (eng)

61504 地方 分权 争论 直接 起因 临时 行政 改革 推进 审议会 前年 秋季 提出 最终 报告

The current discussions over decentralization of power started as a direct result of the final report submitted by Special_Advisory_Council on Enforcement_of_Administrative_Reform in the fall of the year before last . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>