10 Results for: (Concept:00324235-r)
10038 进门 时候 似乎 带来 少许 海岸 浓郁 新鲜 凉爽 空气

She raised her veil as she spoke , and we could see that she was indeed in a pitiable state of agitation , her face all drawn and grey , with restless frightened eyes , like those of some hunted animal . (eng)

60639 日本 日本 日本海 以及 山区 周边 地带 可能 大雪 其中 降雪量 地区 预测 积雪 六十 八十 厘米

Heavy snowfall is expected along the Sea_of_Japan and in mountainous regions in northern and eastern Japan , with predicted snow cover of 60 to 80_centimeters at the maximum . (eng)

61113 三十一日 下午 三点五十分 左右 京都 市南区 边町 经营 废品 回收 加藤 二郎 110 报警 自家 起居室 装有 娃娃 玻璃 盒子 打碎 弹痕

At around 3:50 p.m. , December 31 , Jiro_Kato , a waste recycler from Kawabe-cho , Higashi-kujo , Minami-ku_of_Kyoto_City , dialed the emergency number to report , " A glass doll case in the living room on the first floor of my house is broken , and there is a crater in the wall that seems like a bullet hole . " (eng)

100198 如果 希望 海岸 体验 土生 华人 美味 那么 Baba Inn & Lounge 必将 带给 回味 经典 感觉

If you 've enjoyed your dining experience at Peranakan_Inn at East_Coast_Road , you will feel a good sense of déjà vu at the Baba_Inn_&_Lounge , a related establishment . (eng)

100399 其中 烹饪 出色 餐厅 招牌 海鲜 餐馆 No Signboard Seafood Restaurant 珍宝 海鲜 Jumbo Seafood 以及 海岸 人工 美食 海鲜 餐馆 Long Beach 餐馆 正好 位于 海岸 公园 海滩

Some of the best places to lap up this stunning creation include No_Signboard_Seafood_Restaurant , Jumbo_Seafood and Long_Beach_Seafood at the East_Coast_Lagoon_Food_Village which sits right by the beach at East_Coast_Park . (eng)

100399 其中 烹饪 出色 餐厅 招牌 海鲜 餐馆 No Signboard Seafood Restaurant 珍宝 海鲜 Jumbo Seafood 以及 海岸 人工 美食 海鲜 餐馆 Long Beach 餐馆 正好 位于 海岸 公园 海滩

Some of the best places to lap up this stunning creation include No_Signboard_Seafood_Restaurant , Jumbo_Seafood and Long_Beach_Seafood at the East_Coast_Lagoon_Food_Village which sits right by the beach at East_Coast_Park . (eng)

100765 海岸 人工 美食 众人 誉为 烧烤 海鲜 大本营

East Coast_Lagoon_Food_Village is considered by many to be the epicentre of barbecued seafood . (eng)

100772 这里 开设 活动 可以 骑车 钓鱼 散步 举行 野餐 滑旱冰 冲浪 滑水 独木舟 海滨 沙滩 绵延 15 公里 众多 餐馆 酒吧 放松 一下 马娜 马娜 海岸 海滩 俱乐部 Mana Mana East Coast Beach Club

There 's plenty to do here bowl , bike , fish , stroll , picnic , rollerblade , windsurf , wakeboard , kayak , or just chill out at any of the many restaurants and bars that line the 15 km stretch of sandy beach , including the Mana_Mana_East_Coast_Beach_Club . (eng)

100773 海岸 公园 开设 耗资 800 新元新 建成 世界级 极限 滑冰 乐园 Xtreme Skate Park 看起来 那些 寻求 刺激 游客 准备

East Coast_Park is also home to a new S $ 8 million dollar , world-class Xtreme_Skate_Park that looks all set to up the thrill seeking ante . (eng)

100774 设在 此地 著名 海岸 公园 海鲜 中心 East Coast Park Seafood Centre 当地 游客 提供 品味 佳肴 美食 去处 他们 带来 无穷 乐趣

The famous East_Coast_Park_Seafood_Centre located here is also where locals and visitors alike congregate to chow down on scrumptious local culinary delights . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>