3 Results for: (Concept:00299753-r)
61737 当初 社民 自由 认为 社会党 色彩 浓厚 什么 时候 变成 民主 自由

While the party was originally called the " Social Democratic_Liberal_Party , " after it was accused of being " too much like the SDP , " it changed its name to " Democratic Liberal_Party . " (eng)

61852 我们 带有 浓厚 色彩 减少 联合 伙伴 社会党 先驱 隔阂 制定 策略 持有 疑问 同时 对立 鲜明 政界 重组 自民党 力图 明确 立轴 决断 给予 肯定 评价

While being questioned about the strong suggestion that the LDP was playing party politics to get cozy with fellow coalition parties such as the Social_Democratic_Party and Sakigake , we applauded the LDP decision to attempt to clearly define the opposite views while the political reorganization without opposite views is in progress . (eng)

102471 由于 中文 具有 浓厚 个性 自主 所以 中文 英文 YourSingapore.com Your 转换 表达 这样 亲和力 并且 宣言 一样 感觉 力量

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