5 Results for: (Concept:00283327-a)
11918 Fortunately , when the Lord Buddha looked to his side , a spider of heaven was spinning a beautiful silver thread on a jade - colored lotus leaf .
11926 By chance , Kandata raised his head and glanced at the sky of the lake of blood , when from the still darkness , far , far away , a silver thread ever thin and shining , as if fearful of others ' eyes , slithered down toward him .
18916 From the top of this boulder the gleam of something bright caught my eye , and , raising my hand , I found that it came from the silver cigarette-case which he used to carry .
47872 The moon was low upon the right , and the jagged pinnacle of a granite tor stood up against the lower curve of its silver disc .
47905 The house is banked in with rolling clouds , which rise now and then to show the dreary curves of the moor , with thin , silver veins upon the sides of the hills , and the distant boulders gleaming where the light strikes upon their wet faces .


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