4 Results for: (Concept:00246940-n)
100322 浓稠 酱汁 混合 面条 舌尖 便 味蕾 兴奋不已

The amalgamation of the rich thick gravy with the crunchy bits of fried batter will definitely excite your taste buds . (eng)

100958 中国 年糕 风俗 寓意 年年 主要 新年 可加 鸡蛋 煎炒 当然 全年 其他 时候 可以 糕点

Meaning “a greater or higher year” in Chinese, it is eaten steamed or pan-fried (and sometimes with egg) during this time for good luck, although it’s also available all year round. (eng)

102967 全天 供应 TWG 周末 推出 午餐 特色 调配 绿茶 藏红花 松露 新鲜 农场 鸡蛋 以及 混合 吞拿鱼 tuna tartare

Apart from its all-day dining menu , TWG_Tea also serves six weekend brunch sets featuring dishes such as fresh farmhouse eggs scrambled with green tea and saffron or white truffle oil , and tuna tartare tossed in tea vinaigrette . (eng)

103256 卤面 配料 丰富 鱼片 豆芽 五香

Filled with shredded fish , sliced pork belly , bean sprouts , crunchy fried batter bits , and crispy Ngo_Hiang ( fried meat roll ) , the Lor_Mee here is chocked full of ingredients . (eng)

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