10 Results for: (Concept:00233413-r)
11333 In answer to Holmes , they both remembered that they were conscious of the smell of powder from the moment that they ran out of their rooms upon the top floor .
13160 I heard vaguely that his abilities and the influence which he commanded had won him a good position at the Foreign Office , and then he passed completely out of my mind until the following letter recalled his existence :
13325 We flung it open and rushed out .
13392 The only tangible fact was that the commissionaire 's wife - Mrs. Tangey was the name - had hurried out of the place .
13717 I sprang out of bed and flung open the shutters .
13816 In vain I endeavoured to interest him in Afghanistan , in India , in social questions , in anything which might take his mind out of the groove .
13922 Out of this hiding-place he drew that little cylinder of paper , pushed down the board , rearranged the carpet , blew out the candles , and walked straight into my arms as I stood waiting for him outside the window .
18858 We stood near the edge peering down at the gleam of the breaking water far below us against the black rocks , and listening to the half- human shout which came booming up with the spray out of the abyss .
46090 ' The original hound was material enough to tug a man 's throat out , and yet he was diabolical as well . '
46910 He 's been out three days now , and the warders watch every road and every station , but they 've had no sight of him yet .


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