5 Results for: (Concept:00182435-n)
60001 He also responded negatively to the possibility of dissolution of the House_of_Representatives and general elections before the end of 1995 , and clearly denied a cabinet reshuffle would take place prior to the ordinary Diet session scheduled to be convened on the 20th .
60074 Moreover , dissolution of the Diet and a general election under the new system is anticipated during this year .
60077 Both the ruling party and the opposition party are still unstable within the existing political framework , which is " a temporary status " towards the next general election and the second stage of the political realignment .
60154 Members of the NFP , which demands an early dissolution and general election , wrote Kaifu 's name with a hope of the reversal of the ruling and opposition parties and the following creation of a Kaifu administration .
60937 Before the general elections one year ago , however , the Vietnamese fishermen were attacked by forces loyal to Pol_Pot .

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