10 Results for: (Concept:00182435-n)
60001 另外 村山富市 首相 一九九五年 解散 众议院 进行 大选 可能性 表明 否定性 见解 并且 明确 否定 预定 二十日 召开 通常 国会 改组 内阁

He also responded negatively to the possibility of dissolution of the House_of_Representatives and general elections before the end of 1995 , and clearly denied a cabinet reshuffle would take place prior to the ordinary Diet session scheduled to be convened on the 20th . (eng)

60074 可以 预测 选举 制度 解散 众议院 实施 大选

Moreover , dissolution of the Diet and a general election under the new system is anticipated during this year . (eng)

60077 无论是 执政党 还是 在野党 以往 政治 框架 分离 组合 面向 大选 政界 重组 第二 临时 宿舍 样子

Both the ruling party and the opposition party are still unstable within the existing political framework , which is " a temporary status " towards the next general election and the second stage of the political realignment . (eng)

60154 新进党 要求 尽快 解散 内阁 进行 大选 似乎 调查 结果 反映 他们 非常 希望 执政党 在野党 换位 →海部 政权 诞生

Members of the NFP , which demands an early dissolution and general election , wrote Kaifu 's name with a hope of the reversal of the ruling and opposition parties and the following creation of a Kaifu administration . (eng)

61417 但是 关于 首相 参加 大选 当时 传闻

As for the Prime_Minister , however , there have been dark rumors going around from the time when he entered the race for the general election . (eng)

61454 众议院 选区 划分法 已经 成立 根据 选区 比例 代表 并立 选举 制度 施行 从而 进入 新年 以后 何时 解散 进行 大选 可以 状态

A law was passed to draw the boundaries the single-seal Lower_House districts ; the new electoral system based on the combination of single-seat constituencies and proportional representation has been enforced and we can expect the dissolution of the Diet and a general election any day . (eng)

61458 加之 虽然 时间 确定 可能 选举 制度 举行 大选 政治 形势

Additionally , while the timing is unknown , the current political state seems to point to the direction where there is a strong possibility that the first general election based on the new electoral system will be held . (eng)

61459 加之 虽然 时间 确定 可能 选举 制度 举行 大选 政治 形势

On the occasion of the 50th year after the Second_World_War , if for some strange fate the " three major elections " are held in combination , this is going to be the year that would literally determine the future of Japan and its political significance will be enormous . (eng)

61963 而且 政治 形势 虽然 时间 没有 确定 但是 选举 制度 进行 大选 可能性

Additionally , though the timing has yet to be decided , there is the strong likelihood that the first general election may be held under the new electoral system in view of the current political climate . (eng)

100059 1959 随着 民族主义 发展 新加坡 成立 自治 政府 迎来 首次 普选

In 1959 , the growth of nationalism led to self-government , and the country 's first general election . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>