6 Results for: (Concept:00180420-r)
60458 The Tokyo_Shoji_Association was created in 1924 and newspapers began carrying the shogi record , which in turn raised the level of interest in professional shogi players .
60472 In 1959 , Oyama made a comeback and reclaimed the Meijin title by successively repulsing Masuda and the powerful newcomers , Tatsuya_Futakami , Hifumi_Kato , Michiyoshi_Yamada , and fellow Kimi prodigies such as Michio_Ariyoshi to hold 13 consecutive Meijin titles , 18 in all with the addition of his earlier titles .
60555 Ishida and fellow Minoru_Kitani_Dojo prodigies Masao_Kato and Masaki_Takemiya were called " the Trio " and they successively claimed the Honinbo title .
61368 There are strong suspicions that 40 to 45 percent of the mercury was dumped into the river , turned from inorganic mercury to organic mercury through the biological reaction with the humic materials in leaf molds and microorganisms , became concentrated and accumulated in fish , and which , in turn , was brought into the bodies of residents along the coast who ate the fish , as was the case with the Minamata_Disease in Japan .
61740 Even the 18-billion-dollar aid program put forward by the US government , international financial institutions and other concerned organizations has failed to cool down the Mexican market , which now in turn is affecting European and Asian markets .
61792 That in turn should give children hopes and goals in their lives .

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