10 Results for: (Concept:00180420-r)
10131 一连 笔记本 取出 纸条 久久 仔细 研究 上面 那些 古怪 符号

" ' Never , ' said I . (eng)

60597 一九九五年 国际 竞技 大型 比赛 日本 相继 举办

Japan is hosting many big world competitions in 1995 . (eng)

60932 岸边 相继 建起 清真寺

Mosques dot the river banks , one after another . (eng)

61010 我们 越南 [ 湄公 三角洲 中国 云南省 景洪 相继 飞机 汽车 逆流而上

I traveled up the Mekong_Delta from Vietnam by boat , car and plane to Jinghong in China_'s_Yunnan_Province . (eng)

61632 深夜 闯入 超市 饭馆 金融 机关 动辄 开枪 抢劫 事件 相继 发生

There has been a series of break-ins of late-night supermarkets , restaurants and banks and where the burglars very casually fire their guns . (eng)

61765 最近 儿童 自杀 相继 发生

There has been a spate of suicide cases among children these days . (eng)

61857 但是 由于 规定 政策 小组 和睦 小组 视为 派别 相继 出现 政策 集团

However , as " the policy-study groups and social groups will not be considered as factions , " policy-study groups have sprouted like mushrooms . (eng)

61863 如果 学到 仅仅 政权 珍贵 显然 相继 出现 骄傲 腐败

If what it learned was just the gratefulness of being in power , it is obvious that arrogance and corruption will be cropping up like mushrooms again . (eng)

61954 联合国 相继 表示 援助

Offers of help continue to come from abroad and the United_Nations . (eng)

61982 虽然 意义 学者 没有 责任 但是 没有 预料 地点 相继 发生 带来 巨大 灾难 地震 所以 遗憾 心情 强烈

While scholars are not at fault in that sense , we strongly feel it is " unfortunate " that a series of earthquakes that brought major havoc have occurred where nobody had expected . (eng)

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