4 Results for: (Concept:00179333-r)
61047 Jinghong , about 170_kilometers from the border , is the provincial capital of China_'s_Yunnan_Province / Xishuangbanna_Dai_Minority_Autonomous_State , where the ancestors of the Thais , the Dai ethnic group live , so in other words , Thais ' homeland .
61207 The bureaucrats in the Transport_Ministry had not become aware that the demand for the transport of goods was shifting toward " smaller lots , " was undergoing a shift , in other words , from " industrial demand " toward much greater " consumer demand . "
61478 In other words , free market rice , as it has been called , is getting the nod of official approval .
61751 In other words , currency turmoil is not a local phenomenon and the monetary authorities must cooperate with each other to tackle it .

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