8 Results for: (Concept:00167286-r)
60268 Though China , opposing Pena 's visit to Taiwan , rejected his visit , which was originally scheduled in January , it is China that wants the direct service the most .
60522 Originally , the family of Honinbo_I_Sansa lived at a side temple on the grounds of Kyoto_'s_Jakko_Temple .
60927 Originally , a research group concerned with America_'s_Cup yachts , they are developing and racing yachts as well as promoting an education program for junior high and high school students .
61086 Goro_Hashimoto is originally from Shizuoka , Japan .
61711 Originally , the spring labor offensive was launched with the aim of obtaining wage increases for workers in every industry .
61733 To begin with , what is making the concept of this new party unclear is that aside from those members who are genuinely considering the third viable political force , there are unexpectedly many members who are trying to win the support of the New_Frontier_Party due to the situation at their respective ridings , overlapping with the coalition 's hidden agenda to quickly patch up the possible split between the SDP and the former Democratic_Socialist_Party .
61737 While the party was originally called the " Social Democratic_Liberal_Party , " after it was accused of being " too much like the SDP , " it changed its name to " Democratic Liberal_Party . "
61967 It seems more and more likely that all opposition parties , except for the Communist_Party , joined together to form the New_Frontier_Party ( Shinshin_Party ) at the last minute to deal with the single-seat constituency system with their differences in political agenda being left unresolved , and , to begin with , the Murayama administration itself is a coalition government that was formed without any consideration for the political principles or agenda .

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