10 Results for: (Concept:00167286-r)
268 做法 原来 协议 支持 部分 改写 通用 驱动 调用 发表 分别 针对 POP2 POP3 IMAP

11089 起初 邻居们 看到 斯托克莫兰 罗伊洛特 后裔 回到 古老 家族 邸宅 十分 高兴

" Well , now I come to the queer part of my story . (eng)

60414 此后 殖民地 管理 趋于 稳定 警察 变成 中国人 为主 然而 原来 印度人 负责 治安 形象 保留 下来 所以 现在 为止 很多 印度人 保安 公司 任职

After administration of the colony of Hong_Kong stabilized the police force came to be predominately Chinese , but with a reputation for keeping the peace , a large number of Indians are employed in the security sector even today . (eng)

60522 原来 京都 寂光寺 寺庙 名字 据说 本因坊 第一 那里

Originally , the family of Honinbo_I_Sansa lived at a side temple on the grounds of Kyoto_'s_Jakko_Temple . (eng)

60957 法国 泰国 观光者 显著 增加 原来 打烊 商店 现在 营业 深夜

The numbers of French and Thai tourists have jumped considerably and the shopping streets that used to close early are now open late into the night . (eng)

61005 美荻 担任 翻译 关丽 小姐 中州 南北 输电网 开通 使 原先 没有 电灯 村子 灯火通明

My interpreter in Mito , Gwen_Le_Hoa said , " Since the completion of the North-South power lines , electricity has come to delta towns that did not have light before , " as she pointed to an island in the middle of the river . (eng)

61055 城市 五十 公里 傣族 村子 里面 原来 独特 高吊式 房屋 改建 现代 砖瓦 结构

Even at a Tai ethnic village 50_kilometers away , people are remodeling houses in modern brick from their unique stilt-house style . (eng)

61203 实行 废除 橘汁 进口 范围 这个 缓和 限制 使 价格 原来 商品 便宜

The deregulation that has resulted in the removal of the import limitations for orange juice has brought about a reduction of 30 to 40 per cent in the price one pays for this product . (eng)

61445 各自 政治 变化 政治 带来 强烈 冲击 不过 现在 回顾 虽然 政治 变化 达到 摧毁 政治 深层 结构 政治 变革 可以 看出 国民 焦急 失望 增加

While each event was a significant political shift and had an enormous impact on postwar politics , in looking back at the past year and a_half , it appears that the people 's frustration and disappointment have been amplified since even though these major changes in politics occurred , they stopped short of turning into a large-scale political reform to reach and destroy the innermost core of the existing political structure . (eng)

61967 集结 共产党 在野 新进党 包容 理念 政策 不同 能够 应对 选区 制度 仓促 结党 色彩 浓厚 并且 原本 政权 本身 超越 理念 政策 携手 联合 政权

It seems more and more likely that all opposition parties , except for the Communist_Party , joined together to form the New_Frontier_Party ( Shinshin_Party ) at the last minute to deal with the single-seat constituency system with their differences in political agenda being left unresolved , and , to begin with , the Murayama administration itself is a coalition government that was formed without any consideration for the political principles or agenda . (eng)

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