3 Results for: (Concept:00163592-a)
100941 餐厅 服务 无可指摘 —— 悉心 过度 热情 彬彬有礼 过分 奉承 —— 整体 而言 兼具 亲切 随意

Service here is also excellent attentive without being intrusive , polite without being overly fawning and overall good-natured friendliness . (eng)

101344 然而 周到 服务 人员 带来 贴心 细致 服务 清静 同时 获得 舒适 满意 体验

However , what really impresses is the team of attentive service staff who work intuitively to make you comfortable , catering to all your . (eng)

102857 尽管 顾客 如此 服务 人员 周到 友好 决不会 失望

Despite the crowd pressure , the service staff never disappoint with their spiffy and friendly service . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>