7 Results for: (Concept:00153898-a)
11073 If you take me , Hilton , you will take a woman who has nothing that she need be personally ashamed of , but you will have to be content with my word for it , and to allow me to be silent as to all that passed up to the time when I became yours .
47585 What all this meant I could not imagine , but I was deeply ashamed to have witnessed so intimate a scene without my friend 's knowledge .
47627 As it was I told him that my feelings towards his sister were such as I was not ashamed of , and that I hoped that she might honour me by becoming my wife .
47713 By thunder , you may well be ashamed of yourself .
48225 I have no reason to be ashamed of it .
51295 I do not know whether he was seized with compunction at that moment for the part he was playing , but I know that I never felt more heartily ashamed of myself in my life than when I saw the beautiful creature against whom I was conspiring , or the grace and kindliness with which she waited upon the injured man .
60115 In the interview , Miyamoto , who was in hospital for about one month from late June last year , said , " I am asked by journalists when I will resign and questions like that , " and emphasized his good health , saying , " I am not ashamed of it in the least but proud of it . "

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