4 Results for: (Concept:00153261-r)
61246 而且 由于 分配 日本 人员 名额 普遍 同时 意味 只有 这些 机会

However , the circumstance that the number of Japanese employees is much less than allotted quotas also means that chances for employment in international organizations are more available than would otherwise be the case . (eng)

102268 如果 希望 能够 不同 文化 各种 精美 食物 前往 诸如 老巴刹 Lau Pa Sat 麦士威 美食 中心 Maxwell Road Food Centre 其他 户外 饮食 中心 将会 心满意足

If you want to taste various cultural delicacies all in one place , you can head to open-air food centres such as Lau_Pa_Sat , Maxwell_Road_Food_Centre and many more , while for more comfortable dining choices , there is a whole selection of cuisines to choose from French , Italian , Japanese , Indian and more . (eng)

102619 滑水 滑板 具有 许多 一定 优势 例如 无需 租用 任何 船只 由于 同时 游玩 因此 大大 减少 排队 等候 时间

Cable skiing and cable wakeboarding offers certain advantages , such as zero boat rental . (eng) As up to eight riders can participate at a time , waiting time is also cut short . (eng)

103099 环绕 泻湖 滑水 乐园 SKI360 ° 可以 同时 游玩

Called SKI360° , this cable ski park has a lagoon which can accommodate up to eight riders at a time . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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