10 Results for: (Concept:00150432-r)
11302 全部 收入 女人 去世 时候 少于 一千一百 英镑 现在 由于 农产 价格 下跌 至多 超过 七百五十 英镑

" The housemaid , Saunders . " (eng)

60314 朗诵 技巧 全部 背诵

She recites entirely from memory . (eng)

60644 传言 候选人 全部 到位 一月 下旬

Some argue that the lineup of candidates will not be clear until late January . (eng)

60769 幸运 应该 改进 地方 已经 练习 期间 去年 十月 IACC 世界 锦标赛 全部 掌握

Fortunately , areas that needed improvement were worked out in practice or during the IACC world championships held last year in October . (eng)

60817 公开 招聘 女子 水手 组建 历史 第一 全部 女性 组成 参赛队

He recruited a female crew and for the first time in history an all-female team has been assembled . (eng)

60892 充满 信心 如果 进化论 情况 属于 偶然 整体 能力 优秀 挑战者 联赛 霸主 完全 可以 美国 杯赛 获胜

" In terms of the Theory_of_Natural_Selection , the previous competition was won on luck . This time , the winner of the Challenger_'s_Series , with its overall ability and excellence , will control the America_'s_Cup races , " he says with confidence . (eng)

61026 村长 农田 劳动 体力 劳动 全部 妇女 担任 的话 迟延 可能 时代 潮流

The head of the village , Naife says , " If only the women do the fieldwork , it 's not enough to make ends meet .... I guess it 's a sign of the times . " (eng)

61802 收益 分给 创立者 出资者 全部 收益 活动 目的 再次 投资 配股 作为 原则 州政府 提出 邮寄 写上 名称 负责人 简单 文件 经数 审查 批准 民间 法人 制度 据说 登记 团体 100万

This law provides a system for private corporations where profits will not be allocated in principle and will be entirely reinvested for the purpose of activities , instead of being distributed to the founders and stakeholders , and once an organization submit or mail to the state government a simple form filled out with the organization 's name , name of the person responsible and other related items , it can be approved within several days of review ; it is said that approximately one_million organization have been registered in the US . (eng)

61928 有关 机构 应该 使出 全部 手段 以便 救助

The institutions concerned should leave no stones unturned in their efforts to rescue as many persons as possible . (eng)

61930 如同 30万 人口 城市 全部 毁灭 事态 正在 进行

The situation in progress here is what would have happened if a city of 300,000 had completely been wiped out . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>