6 Results for: (Concept:00137725-a)
485 可能 温伯格 这个 结论 没有 得到 应有 认可 网络 黑客 说成 ´毫 私心 未免 莞尔

61456 政党 政治家 只顾 适应 选区 保命 存身 没有 着眼 日本 政治 变革

In response to the implementation of the single-seated constituency , both the parties and politicians are too preoccupied with their own s survival and saving their own status to pay attention to the " reform " which Japanese politics should embrace . (eng)

61492 包括 都道府县 民间 移交 在内 应该 根本 重新 研究 大米 检查 方法

Rice inspections should be fundamentally re-examined , including the possibility of placing them under the control of the prefectural and city government or the private sector . (eng)

61713 春斗 方式 发生 变化 实属 必然 但是 即使 可以 希望 提高 实际 工资

While it is natural that the ways of the spring offensive has changed , it is desirable to have real wage increase even if only bit by bit . (eng)

61978 机会 要求 执政党 在野 排除 简单 取悦 人心 幕后 谈判 政治 展开 看准 冷战 日本 政治 经济 应有 状态 认真 讨论

Taking this opportunity , we hope that the ruling and opposition parties will do away with the shallow brown-nosing " collusive " politics and will engage in a serious debate keeping firmly in mind the Japanese politics and economy after the end of the Cold_War . (eng)

62134 发生 灾害 纵向 系列 东京 的话 东京都 应该 发出 指示 角色

In times of disaster , the chain of command is vertical : Tokyo will give directions to wards and cities . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>