6 Results for: (Concept:00130701-a)
60325 授奖 仪式 一月 十三日 下午 三点 东京 [ 会馆 举行

The awards ceremony will begin at three o'clock , January 13th , at the Tokyo_Hitotsubashi_Josui_Kaikan . (eng)

60511 比赛 结束 下午 五点二十分

It ended at 5:20 p.m. (eng)

60682 据查 怀疑 犯罪 嫌疑人 二十八日 下午 五点十分 左右 家门 近邻 朋友 回来 茉莉 上车 距离 公里 袖浦市 代宿 企业厅 [ 袖浦 工业用 处理 场内 下车 之后 茉莉 勒死 弃尸 附近 竹林

According to the police investigation , the suspect picked up Mari , who came back from a friend 's home in neighborhood , with a light sedan in front of their home around 5:10 p.m. , December 28 , drove her about three_kilometers to the south , and let her out of the car in the precincts of an industrial water treatment plant in Daijuku , Sodegaura_of_Chiba ( belongs to Prefectural_Corporation_Agency ) , strangled her to death , and abandoned her body in a bamboo forest nearby . (eng)

60697 三十一日 下午 七点二十分 左右 东京 武藏野市 [ 吉祥寺 本町 丁目 邮筒 出来 卡拉OK 老板 发现 [ 武藏 野警署 吉祥寺 东口 派出所 警察 水桶 灭掉

Around 7:20 p.m. , December 31 , a karaoke house owner found smoke coming out of a post box on the street of Honmachi 1-chome , Kisshoji , Musashino_of_Tokyo , and police officers from a police box of Musashino_Police_Station , located at the east exit of Kisshoji_Station , extinguished the fire with water in a bucket . (eng)

60702 [ 仙台 管区 气象台 测量 下午 十点五十分 左右 北海道 东北 部分 地区 发生 地震 震源 岩手县 海域 震源 深度 二十 公里

According to the observation of the Sendai_District_Meteorological_Observatory , the epicenter of the quake that occurred at around 10:50 p.m. in Hokkaido and part of Tohoku was off Iwate_Prefecture , at a depth of approximately 20_kilometers . (eng)

102969 拥有 全球 各种 茗茶 特色 调和 TWG 沙龙 精品 绝对 享用 下午 品尝 休闲 午餐 去处

With its extensive range of teas from all over the world , as well as unique tea blends , the TWG_Tea_Salon and Boutique is the ideal place for afternoon tea or a relaxing lunch . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>