8 Results for: (Concept:00130412-a)
60240 形式 进行 尤为 引人注目 北朝鲜 [ 中央 电视台 NHK 联系 打算 上午 十一点 开始 传送 小时 新闻 图像 希望 确保 卫星 线路

Amidst the great attention on what will happen on New_Year_'s_Day this year , Central_TV_of_North_Korea notified Japan_'s_NHK , " We want a satellite line secured for an hour starting at 11:00 a.m. , January 1st , to convey our news video . " (eng)

60669 上午 9点 气温 摄氏

The time was 9:00 a.m. , and the temperature was six degrees Centigrade . (eng)

60684 三十一日 上午 七点半 左右 山梨县 甲斐驹岳 目处 登山 东京 杉并区 清水一 公司 职员 武井裕介 横滨市 户冢区 仓田町 经营 木材 生意 冈田丰 不慎 失足 跌入 山涧 武井 下落不明

Around 7:30 a.m. , December 31 , Yusuke_Takei , a company worker from Shimizu 1-chome , Suginami-ku , Tokyo , and Toyota_Okada , a wood shop manager from Kamikurata-cho , Totsuka , Yokohama_of_Kanagawa , slipped and fell into a stream while climbing Mt._Kai_Komaga-take in Yamanashi_Prefecture around four-fifths of the way to the peak ; Takei is still missing . (eng)

60691 12月 31日 第25 刊登 安保 健二 讣告 葬礼 告别 仪式 时间 日期 1月 4日 上午 11 1月 5日 上午 11

In the obituary of Mr._Kenji_Anpo , carried on page 25 of the morning issue of December 31 , the date and time of his funeral and service were mistakenly printed as " 11:00 a.m. , January 4 , " while it should have been " 11:00 a.m. , January 5 . " (eng)

60691 12月 31日 第25 刊登 安保 健二 讣告 葬礼 告别 仪式 时间 日期 1月 4日 上午 11 1月 5日 上午 11

In the obituary of Mr._Kenji_Anpo , carried on page 25 of the morning issue of December 31 , the date and time of his funeral and service were mistakenly printed as " 11:00 a.m. , January 4 , " while it should have been " 11:00 a.m. , January 5 . " (eng)

60703 另外 发生 上午 一点五十七 左右 余震 盛冈 烈度

The one occurring at around 1:57 a.m. in Morioka , Iwate , had an intensity of one on the Richter scale . (eng)

61095 三十一日 上午 九点五 左右 滋贺县 守山市 林町 县道 交叉点 津市 平井二 泥瓦工 山元茂树 驾驶 轻型 轿车 京都市 山科区四之宫 小金冢 公司 职员 伊藤嘉浩 肇事 嫌疑犯 驾驶 驱动 迎头 相撞

At around 9:05 a.m. , on December 31 , at the corner of a prefectural road in Obayashi-cho , Moriyama_City , Shiga , a light sedan driven by Shigeki_Yamamoto , a plasterer from Hirai 2-chome , Kusatsu_City , Shiga , and a four-wheel drive driven by Yoshihiro_Ito , a company worker from Shinomiya-Koganezuka , Yamashina-ku , Kyoto , collided head-on ; Ito is under arrest . (eng)

101578 周末 公众 假期 上午 11 晚上 10 多美歌 捷运 印度 新加坡 捷运 系统 环线 8 15 分钟 便

A loop service from Dhoby_Ghaut_MRT station to Little_India , SMRT_Link operates on weekends and public holidays from 11am to 10pm at a frequency of 8 15 minutes . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>