9 Results for: (Concept:00130017-a)
60048 Japan took the first step during the postwar period 50 years ago in the historical shock of defeat and occupation .
60052 With many young members in their 20 's and 30 's participating in the political world , a new era of " postwar politics " started .
61079 The " fifty postwar years . "
61414 Prime Minister_Berlusconi , having made a meteoric rise to power from obscurity and established the right-wing administration last May , declared a break with the postwar system and promised to make " clean politics " a reality .
61421 The problem runs deep as the investigation on Mr._Berlusconi was a part of the cleanup operation that subsequently became the catalyst for prompting the fall of such postwar politics .
61436 There is no going back to the postwar system even after the right-wing administration resigns .
61445 While each event was a significant political shift and had an enormous impact on postwar politics , in looking back at the past year and a_half , it appears that the people 's frustration and disappointment have been amplified since even though these major changes in politics occurred , they stopped short of turning into a large-scale political reform to reach and destroy the innermost core of the existing political structure .
61830 In the US , the " power sharing " where Democrats and Republicans share the leadership in the administration and the Congress has been the tradition of the postwar politics .
61917 It was the second postwar historic disaster after the Fukui_Earthquake in 1948 that killed over 3,700 people .

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