9 Results for: (Concept:00118965-r)
452 曾经 因此 搞砸 项目 所以 fetchmail 开发 避免 重蹈覆辙

11060 小姐 乐于 这个 案子 效劳 曾经 朋友 案子 效劳 一样

In some way we became friends , until before my month was up I was as much in love as man could be . (eng)

60381 一时间 出现 周边 办公楼 所有者 英资 企业 排斥 这些 女性 现象 遭到 歧视性 想法 批判 结束

At one time the British-affiliated companies that owned the surrounding buildings tried to have the women removed , but had to stop amid criticism of " discriminatory practices " . (eng)

60428 拉吉 先生 曾经 由近 印裔 企业 组成 [ 香港 印度 工商 协会 前任 主席

Raji is the former head of the Indian_Chamber_of_Commerce_Hong_Kong , made up of approximately one_thousand Indian-affiliated and other companies . (eng)

60625 成绩 一度 刘易斯 或许 重振 雄风 兴趣

It will also be an important test of whether Lewis , who has been in a slump , can make a comeback . (eng)

61253 方面 希望 促进 发展中 国家 之间 进行 人才 交流 技术 合作 国际 协助 事业团 就职 最近 突然 起来 听说 青年 海外 援助队 应征者 突破 五千

It should be noted that there has been a steep increase in the number of persons seeking employment with the government 's Kokusai_Kyoryoku_Jigyodan ( Japan_International_Cooperation_Agency ) , which is engaged in promoting technological cooperation and exchanges of people between and " developing countries , " and there are today over 5000 applicants responding to each recruitment campaigns of the youth-focused Seinen_Kaigai_Kyoryokutai ( Japan_Overseas_Cooperation_Volunteers ) . (eng)

61305 曾经 反对 签署 日韩 条约 学生们 如今 成为 韩国 政治 官僚 掌握 实权

The people who once opposed the signing of the Japan-ROK_Treaty as students are now part of the generation that has the real power in the political and bureaucratic circles in South_Korea . (eng)

61357 曾经 掀起 淘金 巴西 亚马逊河 流域 淘金者 任意 排放 可能 引发 第三 水俣病 忧虑

In the Amazon_River_Basin_of_Brazil , which was swept by the excitement of the gold rush , there is a grave concern over the outbreak of " the third incidence of Minamata_Disease " caused by the mercury gold diggers discharged into the river . (eng)

61771 据说 垒球部 曾经 西 日本 运动会 获得 冠军 强队

Reportedly , the softball team at this junior high school is a strong contestant having won the championship at the Western_Japan_Tournament in the past . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>