10 Results for: (Concept:00116791-r)
10316 她们 一块儿

Suddenly , however , he started , tapped me on the shoulder , and pointed over the meadows . (eng)

60403 甚至 婴儿 在一起 母亲 深夜 喂奶 事例

Some households go so far as to have the maid instead of the mother sleep with the baby or give the baby milk repeatedly through the night . (eng)

60692 横滨市 中学 年级 男生 十二月 二十六日 [ 东京站 离开 之后 便 下落不明 然而 [ 岐阜县 警察厅 大垣 警署 三十一日 逗留 大垣市 旅馆 当事人 进行 看护 在一起 固定 住所 自称 经营 私塾 坂秀典 嫌疑犯 诱拐 未成年人 嫌疑 进行 逮捕

On December 31 , Ogaki_Police_Station_of_the_Gifu_Prefectural_Police took into protective custody a boy in the first grade of junior high school , who had been missing since he left home in Yokohama on December 26 , saying , " I 'm going to Tokyo_Station " ; the Police also arrested Hidenori_Nagasaka , of no fixed address and claiming to be a private school manager , who was found together with the boy in a hotel in Ogaki , on suspicion of kidnapping him , a minor . (eng)

61130 我国 政界 具有 时代 意义 旁听席 张张 热心 紧张 听众 面孔 紧挨 在一起

" On the day that marked a new era in the political arena in Japan , as expected the tense faces of the enthusiastic audience peered out row after row in the tightly crammed public gallery of both Houses .... " (eng)

61135 当今 社会 状况 只有 政治 极度 逃避 政治 极端 态度 混杂 在一起

Social conditions show a mixture of only two extreme attitudes toward politics : pent-up discontent and avoidance or disenchantment . (eng)

61451 新进党 成立 在野党 形成 巨大 框架 给予 相应 评价 但是 参加 成立 新党 党派 之间 政治 理念 不同 政策 差异 丝毫 没有 解除 这些 问题 情况 在一起 为了 适应 选区 制度 存活 优先 进行 凑数

While we appreciate that the opposition now has a larger framework with the formation of the New_Frontier_Party , the differences in political beliefs or agenda among the various parties that joined to form the new party were tucked away without being resolved and the number crunching to simply ensure their survival by addressing the single-seat constituency was made a priority . (eng)

61620 一定 许多 听到 这个 消息 因为 饲养 宠物 完全 相反 事态 联系 在一起 感到 心疼 爱犬 事件 叫法 感到 不满

Many people must feel distressed when they hear about animals being used for the extreme opposite purpose and question calling the case the " Dog Lover_Case . " (eng)

61800 有些 团体 采取 收益 事业 部分 办成 股份 公司 有限 公司 本来 非营利 部门 租借 事务所 形式 实际上 出现 营利 目的 公司 非营利 组织 招牌 在一起 矛盾

Consequently , there are groups that set up a profit-making business as a kabushiki kaisha ( joint-stock company ) or a yugen kaisha ( limited liability company ) where their primary non-profit business rents office space and the like from them , and the paradox of having a profit-oriented company and non-profit organization side-by-side is actually happening . (eng)

102285 滨海 舞台 家人 一起 这个 美好 春节 分享 节日 欢乐 喜庆 声声 爆竹 迎接 虎年 到来

Come on down to The Float@Marina Bay this Chinese New Year with your family and share in the joy and festivities and you welcome the year of the tiger with a bang. (eng)

103213 未来 新加坡 诚意 邀请 大家 一起 体验 这个 城市 属于 自己 交响 乐章

As Singapore progresses into the future , it invites all to come and experience the city and compose a symphony that they can call their own . (eng)



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