10 Results for: (Concept:00102736-r)
60543 The following year he played against Takagawa , who was not such an esteemed player but whose style-unremarkable at first glance-differed from Sakata 's sharp-cornered tactics and succeeded in throwing off his game , thus reclaiming the Honinbo title for the Japan_Go_Association .
60808 Of course , first there are the Louis_Vuitton and Citizen_Cups standing in their way ...
60873 In order to participate in the America_'s_Cup , a yacht must first advance past the preliminary Louis_Vuitton or Citizen_Cups .
60894 In the previous competition , the Challenger had to first notify the Defender , creating a disparity in the level of fairness .
61120 The Association led by Hironori_Koike , Chairman and former high school teacher from Chuo-ku , Kobe , first cycled between Nanjing and Yangzhou in the summer of 1980 , and has held a long-distance cycling tour in China every summer since then ; in the summer of 1992 , they traveled through the 4,000_kilometers of the Silk_Road .
61315 However , the South_Korean leaders ' attitude has changed since the former President_Chun_Doo_Hwan issued the statement on his standpoint by saying , " First and foremost , the responsibility for the nation 's history lies with its people themselves . "
61770 First , did club activities exist for the supreme purpose of winning ?
61933 For that purpose , we first want to call for strong leadership from the government .
61960 The government as well as ruling and opposition parties first and foremost must concentrate their efforts on emergency recovery measures related to the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake , and in addition to taking action to help the victims to return to a stable daily life outside of the shelters as soon as possible , it should work on establishing the fundamental anti-earthquake and disaster prevention measures utilizing the lessons they have learned from the latest earthquake .
61965 In opening the Diet session , we first want to ask the ruling and opposition parties , through debate , to clearly present to the nation such options as what criteria voters can look for to determine their voting in the " three major elections , " which in turn will determine the political trend for the latter half of the 1990s .

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