10 Results for: (Concept:00101490-r)
11233 " We have let this affair go far enough , " said he .
13678 He is far from rich , and has many calls .
13946 ' The facts of the case , as far as I have worked them out , are these : This Joseph Harrison entered the office through the Charles Street door , and knowing his way he walked straight into your room the instant after you left it .
18531 As far as I know , there have been only three accounts in the public Press : that in the Journal de Genève upon May 6th , 1891 , the Reuter 's despatch in the English papers upon May 7th , and finally the recent letters to which I have alluded .
18699 Matters have gone so far now that they can move without my help as far as the arrest goes , though my presence is necessary for a conviction .
47876 As far as I could judge , the figure was that of a tall , thin man .
48698 I have no doubt that you and I could carry it so far .
60210 In the Izvestia article Polevanov announced , " Privatization so far has been only one-sided . However , as day comes with night and life with death , privatization should be accompanied by nationalization , " thus demonstrating his opinion that privatization has gone too far .
60403 Some households go so far as to have the maid instead of the mother sleep with the baby or give the baby milk repeatedly through the night .
60720 " I have not had to worry so far . "

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