5 Results for: (Concept:00098959-r)
11329 So far as they knew , there had never been any quarrel between husband and wife .
11404 Now that I have got so far , I had best proceed on my own lines , and then clear the whole matter up once and for all . "
13929 I fancy that Lord Holdhurst , for one , and Mr. Percy Phelps , for another , would very much rather that the affair never got so far as a police-court . '
18699 Matters have gone so far now that they can move without my help as far as the arrest goes , though my presence is necessary for a conviction .
60901 With the ability to sail swiftly in heavy or light wind conditions , the crew of the Nippon_Challenge even went so far as to say , " We went much faster than we thought possible . "

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>