3 Results for: (Concept:00097108-r)
60930 柬埔寨 金边 沿 湄公河 逆流 直上 中部 港口 城市 磅湛 行进

Traveling up the Mekong_River by boat from Phnom_Penh in Cambodia , I am headed for the central port town of Kampong_Cham . (eng)

61043 穿戴 头盔 救生衣 沿着 岩石 嶙峋 溪流 逆流 直上 到达 架有 通称 中国 山村

Donning a helmet and a lifejacket , we suddenly ascended a rocky mountain stream and arrived at a mountain village situated on the so-called " China Bridge " . (eng)

61364 流经 亚马逊河 上游 朗多尼亚州 波多韦柳 近郊 马代拉河自 1978年 出现 淘金

The Madeira_River , which runs through the suburbs of Porto_Velho in the Brazilian state of Rondonia upstream of the Amazon_River , has witnessed the gold rush since 1978 . (eng)

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