10 Results for: (Concept:00095612-r)
10547 They say that away down in the village , and even in the distant parsonage , that cry raised the sleepers from their beds .
11130 If there are any pressing fresh developments , I shall be always ready to run down and see you in your Norfolk home . "
100369 Saunter down to Japanese department store Isetan and browse its women 's and men 's fashion ; Takashimaya with its seven floors of fashion , cosmetics , restaurants , gym and yoga centres and shop at Tangs , a high-end , award-winning store with boutique fashion , fragrance and cosmetics .
100382 Take a walk down Joo_Chiat_Road and drink in the colourful scenery of Joo_Chiat 's buildings .
100507 If you seek that adrenaline fix , head down to East_Coast_Park and immerse yourself in Singapore 's first cable ski park .
100783 So come on down to the Singapore_Pavilion and do not miss this great opportunity to try our Singaporean food available from 16 to 25 July .
102042 So head on down to Ng_Ah_Sio_Pork_Ribs_Soup_Eating_House for the tasty bowl of soup and you might just see some of Asia 's newsmakers tucking in too .
102373 Head down to some of the most innovative and exclusive restaurants in places like HortPark and the Singapore_Botanic_Gardens for a quiet retreat of some night time adventure .
102707 The Chinese tend to have it alongside smaller dishes of vegetables and meat ; head down to McCullum_Street in the heart of the city for a taste at the famous Ocean_Fish_Head_Curry eatery .
103367 For some of Singapore 's best traditional mooncakes , head down to the famous Chop_Tai_Chong_Kok confectionary in Chinatown .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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