10 Results for: (Concept:00068215-r)
191 理论 重复 劳动 带来 能效 消耗 Linux 世界 一直 问题

60244 [ 世界 贸易 组织 统一 规则 监督 包括 [ 关税 贸易 总协定 体制 一直 除外 农业 服务 行业 知识 产权 领域 在内 全部 贸易

It monitors trade as a whole under a unified rule , including areas such as agriculture , service and intellectual property right , which were excluded under the GATT. (eng)

60302 井政 一直 作为 日展 陶瓷 工艺师 特有 装饰 美术 陶瓷 工艺 进行 探索 研究 不断 前进

Masayuki_Imai , a ceramic artist who uses unique decorative techniques and has been selected for the Nitten_Japan_Fine_Arts_Exhibition , has long pursued the field of pottery . (eng)

60307 一直 进行 尝试 追求 镶嵌 技术 诗篇 继续 研究

Through trial and error , I will continue in my pursuit of the poetry of inlay . (eng)

60322 文章 吸引 始终 致力于 朗诵 形式 传达 卓越

I was attracted to Ichiyo 's writing and have been devoted to conveying its beauty through my recitations . (eng)

60335 一九九三 一九九四年 总数 减少 但是 趋势 一直 持续

Although the years ' 93 and ' 94 saw a slight reduction in total numbers , the same immigration trend has continued . (eng)

60793 24 成功 击败 其它 国家 挑战 始终 保持 奖杯

The Cup had successfully been defended , foiling 24 challenges by other nations . (eng)

60812 但是 一贯 坚持 扬帆 行驶 科学 观点 科克 船体 船帆 管理 比赛 相关 一切 实行 高科技化

Nevertheless , Koch , believing in the theory that " sailing is science , " looked to advanced technology to meet all his needs in his Cup challenge , including the boat , sailing and management . (eng)

60821 星辰杯赛 开始 之前 一直 面纱

Until the start of the Citizen_'s_Cup , the boat will be kept under wraps . (eng)

61129 之前 一直 人口 2% 选民 人数 一举 扩大 20% 作为 选举 制度 的确 划时代

The new law all at once expanded the electorate from about a mere two percent of the total population up until that time to twenty percent , making it indeed a groundbreaking electoral system at the time . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>