2 Results for: (Concept:00067767-a)
60657 司法 进修生 进修 违法 嫌疑 审讯 甚至 刑事 判决 宣读 前言 问题 最高 法院 [ 司法 研修 决定 截止到 三十一日 法院 检察厅 律师 事务所 发出 妥当 通知

On the problem that a legal apprentice had investigated criminal suspects and made opening statements in criminal suits , which might be regarded as a violation of law , the Legal_Research and Training_Institute_of_the_Supreme_Court decided by December 31 to notify , " it was not appropriate , " to courts , prosecutors offices , and bar associations . (eng)

61764 然而 对于 [ 墨西哥 政府 日本 民间 银行 提出 援助 要求 民间 银行 自身 中长期 判断 问题 货币 当局 强加 妥当

However , the request for aid from the Mexican government to the Japanese private banks is a matter that should be assessed by the banks themselves from the mid or long-term perspective , and intrusion from the monetary authorities will be undesirable . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>