10 Results for: (Concept:00067638-a)
10307 " I thought it as well , " said Holmes as we climbed the stile , " that this fellow should think we had come here as architects , or on some definite business .
11134 " You had better stay here , Watson . "
12019 Well , I have no doubt that this small matter will fall into the same innocent category .
18690 Of course I knew better , but I could prove nothing .
45875 So it came to pass that one Michaelmas this Hugo , with five or six of his idle and wicked companions , stole down upon the farm and carried off the maiden , her father and brothers being from home , as he well knew .
45950 It is well that this is so , for it is obviously of the utmost importance that Sir Charles 's heir should settle at the Hall , and continue the good work which has been so sadly interrupted .
46835 ' Would it not be well in the first place to get rid of this Barrymore couple ? '
46848 ' Yes , I thought it as well to take them . '
48021 To rake this up could n't help our poor master , and it 's well to go carefully when there 's a lady in the case .
48187 It is better that I should ask them here than that the matter should pass outside our control . '

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