10 Results for: (Concept:00048268-r)
60336 In the Vancouver metropolitan area on the West_Coast , the immigration trend is continuing to rise currently as well , with Hong_Kong immigrants making up approximately one-third of the total immigrant population .
60425 Currently , their company owns factories that make electrical appliances , such as cassette radios and also watches in Guangdong_Province , China and exports to the U.S. and other countries .
60485 Habu 's quick progress continued and he presently holds six crowns .
60532 The concept of open competition for the Honinbo name alone was a landmark decision , but the introduction of the presently used komi , or compensatory point , system was also an innovation .
60726 They have three boys , with the oldest currently in eighth grade .
60960 Presently , electricity from the Nam_Ngum_Dam is exported to Thailand , accounting for one-quarter of Laos ' foreign currency .
61133 The electoral system in Japan began in 1889 with the adoption of a mainly single-seat constituency system , and the Universal_Suffrage_Law_for_Men is the prototype of what is currently the system coming into place .
61407 As the focal point of the judicial reform , the issue concerning legal professionals is currently being actively debated within legal circles .
61616 In the case of the illegal disposal of a body that is currently the focal point of the investigation , it is believed that having been told by the dealer that " breeding dogs is lucrative , " the company executive purchased a male-female pair of large-sized dogs native to Africa , but he only received one dog and got in trouble when he asked the dealer for the cancellation of the contract and a partial refund of the payment .
61846 During this period , the LDP has returned to power after only 10 months of being the opposition party and is currently supporting the Murayama administration as a ruling coalition .

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