6 Results for: (Concept:00048268-r)
11397 有意思 现在 看清 绳子 刚好 小小 通气孔 上面 钩子

There are several points in this problem which I have not been able to explain to you yet . (eng)

60107 目前 基本 确定 二月 大会 只是 决定 组建 方针 统一 地方 选举 社会党 名义 参加

For the time being , it is almost determined that only the organization policy will be decided at the convention of February , and our party will run in the unified local elections as the Socialist_Party . (eng)

60123 目前 [ 韩国 政府 私下 研究 有关 议题 预定 今年 二月 中旬 福冈 召开 APEC 高级 事务级 会议 韩国 方面 提出 具体 方案

The ROK government is now preparing the agenda off-stage , and will present practical suggestions at the senior-official level APEC meeting in Fukuoka in the middle of February . (eng)

60524 作为 围棋界 核心 总是 争夺 称号 目前 为止 先后 获得 本因坊 称号

The title of Honinbo , perpetually the central competition in the world of go , has so far been claimed by ten people . (eng)

60659 筒井 目前 状况 没有 再次 执笔 可能性 所以 只好 演员 明年 展示 作为 演员 才能

Tsutsui says , " Under current circumstances , there is no possibility that I would resume writing , " and " Well , I will have no alternative but to act . Please see how good an actor I will be in 1995 . " (eng)

60693 截止 目前 调查 表明 学生 横滨市 保土 建筑 经营者 长子

According to the investigation so far , the boy is the eldest son of a builder of Hodogaya , Yokohama_of_Kanagawa . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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