8 Results for: (Concept:00044150-n)
61456 In response to the implementation of the single-seated constituency , both the parties and politicians are too preoccupied with their own s survival and saving their own status to pay attention to the " reform " which Japanese politics should embrace .
61523 After studying 642 elementary , junior and senior high schools that had Saturday off twice a month on an experimental basis , the collaboration council of the Ministry_of_Education concluded that " the twice-monthly Saturday-off system could be implemented without revising the current guidelines " which the Ministry_of_Education accepted and it decided to go ahead with the implementation this spring . "
61547 The Boards should treat the " standard " as a " rule of thumb " and recognize the implementation of a " five-day school system " that is unique to each school .
61563 While the health ministry asked for the implementation of clinical training based on the training program starting this year , less than 50 percent of university hospitals have actually developed the program .
61586 Additionally , the relaxation and removal of restrictions on trade investments have been promised , and North_Korea has just announced such implementation .
61591 With regard to the implementation of the US-North_Korea agreement , there are concerns that it may go back to square one as the Republican_Party gained a majority in Congress in the US midterm elections .
61819 The Republican_Party is also pressing for implementation of the national changeover measures including the constitutional amendment to balance the budget , welfare reform , a one-trillion-dollar cut in expenditures over the next seven years and administrative reform .
61820 The Speaker has vowed to obtain a clearer outlook of the implementation of this proposal by April 13 , which marks the one-hundredth day since the Congress has convened .

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