10 Results for: (Concept:00033922-r)
60116 [ 亚太 经合 组织 今年 五月 即将 汉城 召开 信息 通信 部长们 参加 APEC 信息 首脑 会议

The Asia_Pacific_Economic_Cooperation forum will hold an " APEC_Information_Summit " in May this year , gathering the ministers in charge of information and communications in Seoul . (eng)

60267 不少 认为 美国 提出 要求 直接 通航 早日 实现 采取 行动

Many people have a view that the US made the move judging that the direct service will be realized soon . (eng)

60421 父亲 肯・西塔鲁 先生 印度 出生 结束 不久 便 来到 哥哥 居住 香港

His father , Kei_Sitar , was born in India and came to Hong_Kong , where his elder brother was , soon after the war . (eng)

60568 松枝 去掉 不久 当时 小学 年级 儿子 突然

A while after the New_Year week , our second son in the third grade of elementary school then , said , ... (eng)

60760 即将 开赛 之际 可以 听到 参赛者们 心脏 跳动声

You can feel the adrenaline coursing through those partaking in the competition as the time draws near . (eng)

60765 这些 努力 集大成 最新 赛艇 JPN-41 不久 抵达 圣地亚哥湾 基地

The sum of these efforts , the cutting edge " JPN-41 , " will arrive momentarily at base camp in San_Diego_Bay . (eng)

60826 不久 木船 转为 装上 铁板 铜板 第8 大赛 开始 进入 全长 36 42 超大型 时代

Before long , steel and copper replaced wood in yacht construction , and from the eighth America_'s_Cup the era of large yachts 36 - 42_meters in length overall commenced . (eng)

61096 山元 妻子 晴子 胸部 头部 重创 不久 死亡 伊藤 嫌疑犯 轻度 颈椎 挫伤症

Yamamoto and his wife , Haruko , also on the car , were hit strongly in the chest and head , and died shortly ; Ito is suffering from whiplash . (eng)

61102 三十一日 下午 七点五十分 左右 关岛 起飞 途经 塞班岛 飞往 [ 关西 机场 [ 密克罗尼西亚 大陆 航空 公司 975 航班 [ 关西 机场 即将 着陆 发现 操作杆 油压 系统 漏油 机长 指挥官 请求 紧急 着陆

At around 7:50 p.m. , on December 31 , on Flight 975 of Continental_Micronesia_Airlines , flying from Guam to Kansai_International_Airport via Saipan , an oil leak was found in the hydraulic system of controls right before landing at the airport , and the pilot requested an emergency landing of air traffic controllers . (eng)

61323 希望 早日 解决 处理 问题

On that account as well , it is desirable to bring a settlement to the issue of healing the wounds of war as soon as possible . (eng)



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