10 Results for: (Concept:00031798-r)
10515 ホームズ さん あなた もう すべて 分かり です

" I believe , Mr. Holmes , that you have already made up your mind , " said Miss Stoner , laying her hand upon my companion 's sleeve . (eng)

11077 いろいろ あっ ども 知り合い 帰ら なら ころ もう これ でも いう くらい 落ち おり まし

In some way we became friends , until before my month was up I was as much in love as man could be . (eng)

11155 得体 知れ ない 人物 どこ 近く 潜ん たくらみ さらに じわじわ 殺さ いく 考える だけ もう 身体 もち ませ

" It 's bad enough to feel that you are surrounded by unseen , unknown folk , who have some kind of design upon you , but when , in addition to that , you know that it is just killing your wife by inches , then it becomes as much as flesh and blood can endure . (eng)

11204 振り 放そ まし 必死 やっと 振り払っ 物置 行っ とき もう 姿 あり ませ でし

I tried to throw her off , but she clung to me most desperately . (eng) At last I got clear , but by the time I had opened the door and reached the house the creature was gone . (eng)

11221 もう この ない です ホームズ さん ただ その 叱り まし 曲者 つかまえよ 行く 引き留め です から

" I have nothing more to say , Mr. Holmes , except that I was angry with my wife that night for having held me back when I might have caught the skulking rascal . (eng)

11228 これ もう 終わり まし さて どう すれ いい 助言 いただき たい です 考え として 小姓 ども 茂み 潜ま 曲者 したたか 打ちのめせ 以後 ども 近寄る こと ない 存じ ます

My own inclination is to put half a dozen of my farm lads in the shrubbery , and when this fellow comes again to give him such a hiding that he will leave us in peace for the future . " (eng) There 's the whole case , and now I want your advice as to what I ought to do . (eng)

11284 旦那 さん なく 奥さん もう だめ でしょ

He 's dead and her life is despaired of . (eng)

11344 ふたり バーン という 覚まし ほど さらに もう 聞こえ

They had been aroused from their sleep by the sound of an explosion , which had been followed a minute later by a second one . (eng)

11376 キュー ビット 遺体 もう 動かし よろしい でしょ

I would suggest that Mr. Cubitt 's body may now be removed . (eng)

11425 考え 間違い ない さて マーティン 警部 もう この 部屋 わかる こと これ 以上 ない

" I believe that it was undoubtedly so . (eng) I rather think , Inspector Martin , that we have now exhausted all that this room can teach us . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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