10 Results for: (Concept:00030443-r)
60067 加上 地方 分权 引入 选区 比例 代表 并立 新型 选举 制度 政界 势力 版图 可能 发生 变化

By adding the decentralization of authority and a new electoral system , or combination of single-seat constituencies and proportional representation , the political map may change dramatically . (eng)

60168 认为 中间 选举 失败 以后 转为 共和党 政策 克林顿 总统 外交 做出 让步 担心 美国 俄罗斯 对立 进一步 加深

President Clinton is expected to compromise with the Republic_Party in diplomacy , in addition to his preceding policy shift in its favor following the defeat in the midterm election , with further confrontation between the U.S. and Russia being projected . (eng)

60172 指出 如果 北约 波兰 匈牙利 东欧 四国 加盟 德国 俄罗斯 之间 出现 真空 地带 出于 各自 安全 保障 理由 极力 填补 真空 地带 结果 对立 进一步 加深

The former Secretary_of_State commented in the essay , " Unless NATO expands to embrace the four East_European countries including Poland and Hungary , a vacant area will be formed between Germany and Russia , which will lead to severer confrontation between the two , due to each country 's moves to occupy this area for security reasons . " (eng)

60232 三十日 十八 受伤 对立 进一步 加深

With eighteen injured on December 30 , the conflict is ever deteriorating . (eng)

60301 进一步 努力 音乐界 发展 尽力

I intend to redouble my efforts to contribute to the further development of the musical world . (eng)

60550 名人赛 击败 坂田 加上 坊赛 一下子 脱颖而出

He had already beaten Sakata in the Meijin_Tournament and jumped to the top spot in the Honinbo tournament as well . (eng)

61219 如果 加上 官僚 议员 再次 形成 铁三角

If links are made with certain segments of the bureaucracy and Diet members who are beholden to special interests , one could see a rebuilding of " special interest triangles " involving politicians , bureaucrats , and business elements . (eng)

61234 先生 指出 那样 世界 要求 日本人 国际 社会 进一步 发挥 积极 作用

As Mr._Kuyama points out , Japanese are being asked by the world to play a more active role in international society . (eng)

61237 但是 为了 日本 面向 二十一 世纪 国际 社会 进一步 广泛 发挥 作用 我们 迫切 期望 大量 涌现 活跃 国际 机构 国际 人才

However , for Japan to play a still wider role in international society as we approach the 21st century , we can not do otherwise hope that there will come to the fore an ever larger number of kokusaijin ( " international persons " ) who like the two will be active in top positions of international organizations . (eng)

61322 我国 积极 理解 韩国 世界化 政策 进一步 加强 合作 关系

We , too , should view South_Korea 's globalization policy favorably and further reinforce our cooperative relations . (eng)

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