10 Results for: (Concept:00024720-n)
13435 ' You can imagine the state of things here when they were roused from their beds by the doctor 's ringing , and found me in this condition .
13576 He sank back into the state of intense and silent thought from which he had emerged , but it seemed to me , accustomed as I was to his every mood , that some new possibility had dawned suddenly upon him .
13899 I crouched down among the bushes on the other side , and crawled from one to the other - witness the disreputable state of my trouser knees - until I had reached the clump of rhododendrons just opposite to your bedroom window .
60281 Tsuchiya himself has said , " I want to create works without having to make up the distance between the material and my image , " thus he attempts to directly develop his expression through form while preserving the natural state of the iron , wood or stone .
61134 The end of the Cold_War presented a situation where any political party can come into power , and while Japanese politics has come out of its 38-year domination by the Liberal_Democratic_Party , at the same time , the new politics has lost sight of the " value " of the political objective to replace the dead-end politics of influence peddling , thus sending Japanese politics as a whole into an aimless state .
61274 The European_LHC will create the high-energy state that occurred immediately after the birth of the universe by colliding protons , the nuclei of hydrogen atoms , at a speed close to the velocity of light .
61458 Additionally , while the timing is unknown , the current political state seems to point to the direction where there is a strong possibility that the first general election based on the new electoral system will be held .
61595 Considering the present state of Congress , it is hard to imagine that all Republican congressmen will support the resolution to oppose the crude oil supply to North_Korea .
61945 There must be numerous restrictions from a legal point of view , but we are in a state of emergency .
100433 Women in an advanced state of pregnancy ( six months or more ) who intend to visit Singapore should make a prior application with the nearest Singapore overseas mission .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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