6 Results for: (Concept:00019609-r)
10216 一直 我们 客人 福尔摩斯 始终 保持 职业性 沉着

" Miss Roylott , you have not . (eng)

10415 看见 外面 地址 收信人 姓名 零乱 福尔摩斯 一向 严谨 字体

" No . (eng) What a strange idea ! " (eng)

61966 前年 宫泽 政权 倒台 契机 开始 政界 重组 仍然 进行 过程 但是 遗憾 应该 成为 政界 重组 基轴 基本 理念 政策 扔到 角落 始终 派别 纷争 进行 争夺 政权 游戏

While the political realignment set off by the fall of the Miyazawa administration in the year before last is still underway , unfortunately , the basic principles and policies that are supposed to be the pillars of this realignment have been pushed aside and it has ended up in a scramble for political power with parties looking for a " marriage of convenience . " (eng)

61977 面临 选举 国会 过去 政府 往往 国民 带来 阵痛 法案 编制 盛大 预算 执政党 在野党 始终 进行 有利于 自己 宣传 合战 避开 论战 倾向

In the case of a regular Diet session with upcoming elections , it has been a familiar practice where the government tends to hold back the bills that might cause pain to the people and draw up a lavish budget , and both the ruling and opposition parties tend to be preoccupied with advertising campaigns attempting to turn every argument to make themselves look good while avoiding actual debates . (eng)

101500 店主 自己 花生 自己 始终 槟城 虾酱

The owner grinds his own peanuts , makes his own chilli and insists on using only the best Hae_Gor ( prawn paste ) from Penang . (eng)

102760 新加坡 设有 许多 德士 德士 乘坐 的士 始终 最好 方式 其中 大部分 德士 位于 酒店 商场 门厅

It is always best to get a cab from one of the numerous taxi stands in Singapore – hotels and shopping centre taxi stands are a sure bet. (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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