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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: Editorial (kc02)

61755    The bottom line is that the simultaneous global economy boom is intensifying the competition to secure money.
61756    The Mexican currency crisis was also due to the situation where the capital influx from the US that had been covering the current account deficit dwindled down or even started to leave the country.
61757    That is why the finance ministers and the presidents of the central banks of the Group of Seven leading industrial nations should meet at the earliest opportunity to analyze the situation and come up with coordinated countermeasures.
61758    Since Japan has excessive savings and abundant foreign reserve, our monetary authority should actively cooperate in this effort.
61759    As the currency turmoil led to the high yen, the current situation is a negative one for the Japanese economy as well.
61760    We expect the leadership at the G7 to come from Japan for its own sake.
61761    With regard to the financial aid for Mexico, it is a matter of course that the US will play a major role in order to defend the North American Free Trade market.
61762    Japan also needs to provide Mexico with more official support than our expected share.
61763    As this is a problem of liquidity, it should be addressed in an aggressive manner.
61764    However, the request for aid from the Mexican government to the Japanese private banks is a matter that should be assessed by the banks themselves from the mid or long-term perspective, and intrusion from the monetary authorities will be undesirable.
61765    There has been a spate of suicide cases among children these days.
61766    It is truly heart wrenching.
61767    While the reason for suicide varies depending on the case including bullying, in the recently revealed case of a girl in the eighth-grade in Habikino City, Osaka, the reason for suicide was the heavy-handed training by the coach for the school softball team.
61768    The school has already provided a written statement accepting responsibility for this incident to her parents.
61769    We wish to bring up the following two issues in relation to this suicide case.

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