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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: Editorial (kc02)

61718    No formal explanation has been offered yet from the "New Democratic Liberal Party Preparatory Committee," of which members include the Social Democratic Party's Sadao Yamahana, the President of the New Democratic League (Shinminren), about their definition of "liberal."
61719    That is even though the concept development for this new party has already entered its final stage.
61720    While we get the idea that "liberal" is the generic term for non-Liberal Democratic and non-Shinshin (New Frontier), from what Mr. Yamahana and Secretary-General Wataru Kubo of the SDPJ have been saying it simply means anti-conservative, and no positive definition or specific details has been provided.
61721    The combination of single-seat constituencies and proportional representation is a system that ultimately assumes a political system with two major parties, but we are ambivalent about rushing into it at one go.
61722    In particular, if the two-party system is to consist of the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Frontier Party at either end, it will be the epitome of a fully conservative system and we doubt whether it could address the diversifying needs of the people.
61723    The existence of a "third pole" to reflect the public's needs in politics which these two parties alone cannot respond to seems to be necessary for the time being.
61724    In that context, we see great significance in the development of the new party concept.
61725    However, we question adorning "liberal" or "democratic liberal" onto the name of this third pole without much thought.
61726    In fact, "liberal" has been in vogue in political circles even prior to the rise of the coalition era.
61727    Mr. Tetsu Ueda of Gokenshinto Akatsuki (literally, the New Guardian of Constitution Party) claimed to be the first "liberal," and there was also the Gokenriberarunokai ("Society of Liberals and Guardians of the Constitution") led by Mr. Hideo Den and other lawmakers.
61728    Former foreign minister Koji Kakizawa founded the "Liberals" while he was a member of the LDP, and it was the "Society for the Creation of the Liberal Administration" established by the members of the LDP and the SDP that played a role in the formation of the Murayama regime.
61729    What is the difference between the "liberal" of the Preparatory Committee and these variations?
61730    While we would rather not get into the true meaning of "liberal," its definition has changed with the times and, by now, it has been given a certain distinct image as a political term in Europe and the US.
61731    To further complicate the matter, the word is used differently in Western Europe and the US; while the liberals have established a firm foothold between Social Democrats and Conservatives in Western Europe, liberals have dubious reputation at the moment in the US due to the Democratic Party's crushing defeat at the latest midterm election.
61732    While those going for the New Democratic Liberal Party say, with self satisfaction, "In that sense, a Japanese-style 'liberal' is possible," it is not as simple as Shinshinto calling themselves the New Frontier since a specific image is attached to the term "liberal."

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