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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: Editorial (kc02)

61621    The "pet boom," which has been linked to moneymaking operations, has been flourishing year to year.
61622    The number of purebred dogs registered with the Japan Kennel Club, which issues the pedigree certificate, has increased by 50 percent in the past six years with the total number reaching approximately 340,000 in over 100 different breeds the year before last.
61623    We hear that at the height of their popularity several years ago, Siberian Huskies commanded high prices between 200,000 and 300,000 yen, but, now dubbed "bubble dogs," they sometimes cannot find a buyer even at 10,000 yen.
61624    As there is a speculative aspect to these exotic dogs, the number of breeders has also increased.
61625    However, there are many disputes such as who will take the newborn puppies.
61626    If being told their love of dogs will lead to a profit-making opportunity, then we can hardly blame anyone categorically for becoming interested.
61627    However, quick and easy moneymaking schemes have caused countless dismal incidents in the past.
61628    The disputes surrounding expensive paintings, land investments and trading in futures during the bubble economy days are still fresh in our minds.
61629    Discretion must be exercised in profit-making opportunities so as not to let our society run rampant with malicious profiteers.
61630    Crimes are also a "reflection of society."
61631    "Money is God" seems to be pervasive in our society these days and there has been a conspicuous number of homicide cases over money.
61632    There has been a series of break-ins of late-night supermarkets, restaurants and banks and where the burglars very casually fire their guns.
61633    It is as if to say, "Money comes before human life."
61634    What a chilling picture!
61635    According to the crime white paper compiled by the Ministry of Justice, while heinous cases such as homicides, burglaries and abductions were decreasing at one point, they have been on the rise once again in the last year or two and their modus operandi has become more brutal.

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