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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: Editorial (kc02)

61594    As long as North Korea adheres to the agreement, it seems difficult for Congress to revoke the agreement.
61595    Considering the present state of Congress, it is hard to imagine that all Republican congressmen will support the resolution to oppose the crude oil supply to North Korea.
61596    If the agreed-upon provision of the annual supply of approximately 500,000 tons of heavy oil is canceled and North Korea resumes its nuclear program, the Republican Party will be blamed.
61597    It seems unlikely that all Republican congressmen will agree to such a dangerous option.
61598    The US-North Korea agreement requires the parties to keep their commitments for ten years.
61599    From the perspective that North Korea would refuse special inspections, some say Japan will no longer have to offer funds when the execution of the agreement turns out to be difficult.
61600    We would rather not think that such a viewpoint exists at least inside the Japanese government.
61601    Japan has already announced to the world its commitment to pay a fair share to support North Korea's conversion to light water reactors.
61602    To emphasize that we are sincere about fulfilling this commitment will be the way to earn credibility worldwide.
61603    Further, in exchange for fulfilling our commitment, we should demand that North Korea abandon the development of missiles.
61604    It is said that there are some moves to ask Japanese businesses to take a part in the construction of the light water reactors depending on Japan's share of the cost.
61605    However, we should address this issue by taking into account our long-term relationship with our neighbors.
61606    In conjunction with the North Koran nuclear issue, it will not be in our best interest to leave an impression with the people of the Korean Peninsula that Japanese businesses are taking advantage of their situation.
61607    The "Missing Dog Lover Case" in Saitama Prefecture is starting to reveal a shocking dimension.
61608    In relation to this case, three individuals including a pet dealer have been arrested on suspicion of corpse abandonment.

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