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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: Editorial (kc02)

61190    While Japan is finally on the road to recovery, it is inevitable to see uncertainty down the road for Japan's economy.
61191    Capital investments in private sectors still remain dormant.
61192    After the bubble burst, businesses and banks have yet to work up the energy to confront new risks.
61193    However, this is a cyclical problem with economy.
61194    What we are watching is the globalization of the market economy brought by the reconciliation between the East and the West.
61195    Specifically, with the strengthening of the yen that is in progress and a sudden rise of the East Asia economy, Japan's economy is being forced to reorganize its system of division of labor on a global scale.
61196    This is the major reason the Japanese economy needs structural reform.
61197    During this process of reorganization, some manufacturers will go ahead and relocate abroad.
61198    Let's say it is unavoidable, however, the question of whether or not new industries to replace those leaving Japan will spring up.
61199    This is where deregulation can play an important role.
61200    We wonder if some businesses with the potential to generate new demand are trapped in the net of regulations?
61201    There has to be some new businesses trying to find a way to get out of the iron triangle of politicians, bureaucrats and businesses.
61202    The orange juice that over the last year or two appeared on our breakfast tables has now opened up new markets.
61203    The deregulation that has resulted in the removal of the import limitations for orange juice has brought about a reduction of 30 to 40 per cent in the price one pays for this product.
61204    The first commercial takuhaibin services (door-to-door parcel delivery service by truck) were in 1976.

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