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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60973    Efforts are being made to increase awareness so that "Thailand's traffic pollution is not repeated elsewhere".
60974    The Mekong Committee, formed in 1957, was the first to devise plans for development of the Mekong River basin in the four downstream countries Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos.
60975    With the support of the United Nations, European countries, the U.S. and Japan, developments such as dam construction on tributaries, basic data collection and general development planning have been accomplished.
60976    The fall of Saigon in 1975, however, put a moratorium on development.
60977    With the advent of peace in Cambodia in 1992, the Committee began to formulate their articles of association, but activities stalled due to opposition from Vietnam and Thailand.
60978    At the end of 1994, the process sputtered to life again when the United Nations succeeding in mediating with a development plan establishing a separate Mekong Committee.
60979    On the other hand, the Asian Development Bank held a series of seminars with a total of six countries-including upstream China and Myanmar-to promote road, port, communication and electric development in the greater Mekong region using existing roads as a foundation, and in September 1994 the six countries decided to actively promote six high priority projects, including a road traversing the Vietnamese coastline, one from northeastern Thailand that crosses the Mekong River in southern Laos, and one connecting Bangkok, Phnom Phenh, Ho Chi Minh City and Buntao.
60980    Among these, construction has commenced on the Square of Growth Zone Road through private and government investment from the respective countries, linking Jinghong in China, with Myanmar and Laos, from a starting point in Chiang Rai in northern Thailand.
60981    Japan is advocating the formation of a "Forum for the Comprehensive Development of Indo-China" including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, but it is still in the planning stages.
60982    At the tail of the rainy season in the Mekong Delta, the canal water advances all the way to the front of the farmers' houses.
60983    The ripples from even a small boat going too fast will cause the earthen floors of farm houses to flood.
60984    We traveled slowly along the canal.
60985    After pushing our way through the tropical trees and water plants and slipping under a log bridge, suddenly the figures of little girls wearing pure white ao dai and abruptly standing come into view, as well as a church from the French colonial period.
60986    The farmer in the boat and the children playing in the tree shadows wave their hands in greeting.
60987    The people of the Mekong have lived in excellent harmony with nature.

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