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Kyoto University Text Corpus: Mainichi Shimbun (kc)

Mainichi Shimbun: News (kc01)

60908    Mark Pajot, the skipper of the Le Defi 95, is also a dangerous opponent.
60909    The new yacht launched last year in July is publicized as being 1.5% faster than the previous Cup champion, the America3.
60910    The latest yacht to be used in the America's Cup is reported to have speeds 0.25% faster still.
60911    Another syndicate from New Zealand, Team New Zealand, cannot be easily dismissed.
60912    Russell Coutts, who has been collecting match race victories, is the skipper and Ed Beard is the sailing coach.
60913    A competent crew has been assembled.
60914    Each of them is a veteran.
60915    Each Round Robin is bound to be a fierce competition and every race exhilarating to watch.
60916    The America3, looking for another victory; Team Dennis Conner, looking to recapture the Cup; and the PACT '95 team, a group of researchers developing America's Cup yachts, will compete for the one chance to race in the America's Cup.
60917    The owner of America3, Bill Koch, is a businessman who made his fortune in the oil industry.
60918    Koch, who believes "sailing is science," appearing to be outclassed in the America's Cup, pulled out a victory.
60919    This time his publicly recruited female team is fully assembled.
60920    There is much talk about the first ever all female Challenger, but attention is probably more focussed on what secrets Koch, placing priority on science, has built into the new yacht and looking ahead to the races, rather than on the physical strength of the crew.
60921    As the Round Robin races continue day after day, however, it will be tough going on the female team, regardless of the superiority of the yacht.
60922    Conversely, Dennis Conner, as skipper, is the driving force behind his crew's ability.

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